Growth Steps

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At THE RIVER we believe every great relationship begins with growth. Your relationship with Jesus and with His people are so important that we have developed three growth steps to keep you moving forward and growing. 

We are here to help you in your journey with Jesus!

Take your next step through our Growth Classes. 

Growth Step Three - Discover Your Calling!

Grow In Christ. Connect to your River Family!


Learn More about each Growth Step

  • This step will prepare you for baptism and provides you with an overview of what The River believes as a church. 

    1. Learn what it means to be a child of God
    2. Learn what He did to make this possible
    3. Learn how we celebrate today as a church, and the benefits of being part of His family... the church
  • This second growth step will focus on spiritual maturity. 

    1. Learn the 4 basic habits of spiritual growth
    2. Keep growing for Jesus!

  • The third growth step prepares the believer to be mobilized for ministry.

    We all have unique gifts and calling from God. He invested in us, so we could use it for His purpose in our lives. 

    • In this class, you will discover your unique shape for ministry, so you can serve Jesus and be used to impact lives with the gift He has placed in you. 
